
Patient Information Management System (PIMS)

Welcome to the Patient Information Management System (PIMS). This project efficiently manages patient information within healthcare settings. Developed on Django and utilizing SQLite, PIMS offers a robust solution for healthcare data management.

Note: This project is an adapted version, all credits belong to the original developer, Sumit Kumar. It is used solely for educational purposes.

Features Added:

Added, Changes, and Fixes:

User Experience Enhancements:

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

Planning/ Implementation:




About Us

About Us



Admin User

Admin Dashboard1

Admin Dashboard1

Admin Dashboard2

Admin Dashboard2



Billing Invoice History Records

Billing Invoice History Records




Receptionist Dashboard

Receptionist Dashboard

Receptionist Payment Management

Receptionist Payment Management


Doctor Dashboard

Doctor Dashboard

Doctor Discharge Records

Doctor Discharge Records


Patient Dashboard

Patient Dashboard

Patient Insurance

Patient Insurance

Patient Invoice

Patient Invoice

Requirements and Installation Instructions:

1. Python Installation:

For Windows:

  1. Download the latest Python installer for Windows from
  2. Ensure to check “Add Python to PATH” during installation.
  3. Verify the installation by opening a Command Prompt and running:
     python --version

For macOS:

  1. Check if Python is installed by running:
     python3 --version

    If not, install using Homebrew:

     brew install python

For Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):

  1. Open a terminal and run:
     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get install python3
  2. Verify the installation:
     python3 --version

2. Checking Python in PATH:

Ensure Python is added to the system PATH. Open a new terminal/command prompt window and run:

python --version

If it returns the Python version, you’re set. If not, update your system PATH.

3. SQLite Installation:

SQLite comes bundled with Python; no separate installation is usually needed.

4. SQLiteStudio:

Use SQLiteStudio as a GUI tool for managing SQLite databases. Download and install it according to your operating system.

With these tools installed and Python in your system PATH, proceed with setting up the Patient Information Management System as described in the previous README section.

Note: Ensure administrative privileges for installing Python and modifying the system PATH.

Generating SECRET_KEY and Email Credentials for this Django Project

In order to run the Patient Information Management System (PIMS), you’ll need to generate a SECRET_KEY for your Django project. This key is used for cryptographic signing and should be kept secret. Additionally, you’ll need to configure email credentials for email functionality within the application.

Generating SECRET_KEY:

To generate a SECRET_KEY, follow these steps:

  1. Open a Python shell or terminal.
  2. Run the following command to generate a random SECRET_KEY:

     python -c "from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())"
  3. Copy the generated key.

Configuring Email Credentials:

For email functionality within the PIMS project, you need to configure the following email credentials:

Follow these steps to configure email credentials:

  1. Create a file named .env in the root directory of your project, next to the file (in the hospitalmanagement folder in this case).

  2. Add the following lines to the .env file, replacing <generated_secret_key> with the actual SECRET_KEY you copied earlier, and filling in the email credentials:

     # Email Backend
  3. Save the .env file.

Now, your Django project will use the secret key and email credentials specified in the .env file. Remember not to share or expose these sensitive credentials publicly.

For more information on setting up and running the PIMS project, refer to the “Setting Up and Running the Local Server” section in the README.

Setting Up and Running the Local Server:

  1. Set up a virtual environment:
     python -m venv venv
  2. Set the execution policy for the current PowerShell session to RemoteSigned:
     Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
  3. Activate the virtual environment:
  4. Install dependencies, apply migrations, and run the local server:
     pip install -r requirements.txt
     python makemigrations
     python migrate
     python runserver

Superuser Access to Django Database:

To create a superuser and access the Django admin site:

python createsuperuser

Note: Original Project: Hospital Management System Django by Sumit Kumar. This project uses Python with the Django Web Framework, SQLite as the database, and is developed as a web application.